Learn Multi platform PowerPC Assembly Programming... And feel the POWER!

The PowerPC processor is IBM's Desktop CPU comparable to the Intel x86 CPUs. Based on the previous POWER workstation CPUs, its RISC instruction set gave impressive speed and capabilities.

PowerPC became extremely popular around 2000, and was the basis for the Power Mac series, Gamecube, WII, Xbox360 and (to some extent) the PS3

If you want to learn POWERPC get the Cheatsheet! it has all the PowerPC commands, It will help you get started with ASM programming, and let you quickly look up commands when you get confused!

We'll be using GNU-EABI as our assembler for these tutorials
You can get the source and documentation for GNU-EABI from the official website HERE

Useful Documents
MPR601UM-01 PowerPC 601 Users Manual 1995

Bit Order!

Because IBM hate us and want us to suffer, the official documents refer to the leftmost bit of a 32 bit value as bit 0 - on any other CPU it would usually be considered bit 31. We'll show both conventions - in diagrams 'IBM bits' will refer to MSB=0... 'bits' will refer to the more common MSB=31

IBM Documentation written by drunk madmen
Bit 31 is Least significant rightmost bit
Bit 0 is Most significant leftmost bit
IBM Bit:   0.1.2.........29.30.31
                    MSB --------- LSB
Everyone else in the entire world ever
Bit 0 is Least significant rightmost bit
Bit 31 is Most significant leftmost bit
Bit:   31.30.29.........2.1.0
           MSB --------- LSB

Most Significant Bts Least Significant Bits
Normal bit
 31   30   29   28   27   26   25   24   23   22   21   20   19   18   17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Bit Value ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

The PowerPC is typically a BIG Endian system, certainly in the case of the GameCube/WII, and apparently the Xbox 360

Though in fact the PowerPC can function in Little Endian mode

The PowerPC Registers
All PowerPC registers are fully 32 bit.
There are 32 general purpose registers, and a few which have special purposes, and limited commands which can access their values

General Purpose Registers:
Prologs / Hardwired Zero
R1 / SP
Used as Stack Pointer
Table Of Contents pointer
R3 General Purpose - Arg1
R4 General Purpose - Arg2
R5 General Purpose - Arg3
R6 General Purpose - Arg4
R7 General Purpose - Arg5
R8 General Purpose - Arg6
R9 General Purpose - Arg7
R10 General Purpose - Arg8
R11 General Purpose
R12 General Purpose
R13 Reserved on 64 bit (free on 32 bit)
R14 General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
Floating Point Registers:
General Purpose - Scratch reg
General Purpose - Arg1
General Purpose - Arg2
F3 General Purpose - Arg3
F4 General Purpose - Arg4
F5 General Purpose - Arg5
F6 General Purpose - Arg6
F7 General Purpose - Arg7
F8 General Purpose - Arg8
F9 General Purpose - Arg9
F10 General Purpose - Arg10
F11 General Purpose - Arg11
F12 General Purpose - Arg12
F13 General Purpose - Arg13
F14 General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
General Purpose - NonVolatile
Special Registers:
Link Register (Return Address)
CounT Register (for loop counts)
eXcEption Register
Floating Point exception Register
Condition register
MQ Multiply Quotient register (601 only)

There is no accessible PC register

The value in NonVolatile registers must be preserved by subs

R3-R10 are suggested for passing arguments to a sub

RTOC (Table of contents) is suggested as a pointer to a table of addresses to variables for a subroutine, but this is optional! you can use it as a general register.

R0 cannot be always be used like other registers
Don't use R0 as a general maths register -
Some commands (like ADDI) treat R0 like a hardwired zero

R0 is used as a temp register during the 'Prolog/Epilog' of a sub (the Init and Cleanup of the stack during a sub.

Use MFSPR or MTSPR for access to special register values

Condition Register
The 32 bit condition register is split into 8x 4 bit parts.

IBM Bits

CR2, CR3 and CR4, are Non Volatile, and must be preserved by subs

Each of the 4 CR bits for CR0-CR7 have the following purpose:
(CMP Meaning)

FL/FG/FE and FO (Float Unordered) are used for floating point operations.

XER Register

use MFXER and MTXER to get or set the XER

0 1 2  3-15  16-23  24 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte compare
0 ByteCount
Bits  31 
28-16 15-8 7 6-0

CA - Carry
OV - Overflow
SO - Summary Overflow (Overflow that doesn't clear automatically)
Byte Count - used by lswx or stswx


BI= BIt of CR to use for condition
BO = Branch Operand as chart below

BO Bits
0000y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR ? 0 and the condition is FALSE.
0001y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR = 0 and the condition is FALSE.
0010y Branch if the condition is FALSE.
0100y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR ? 0 and the condition is TRUE.
0101y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR = 0 and the condition is TRUE.
0110y Branch if the condition is TRUE.
1000y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR ? 0.
1001y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the decremented CTR = 0.
10100 Branch always.

y= Likely True or False? (For branch prediction) / Branch Always has no Y bit

Addressing Modes
Mode Suffix Format Notes Example
Signed Immediate
SIMM 16 bit signed Immediate addi rD,rA,SIMM
Unsigned Immediate
UIMM 16 bit unsigned Immediate ori rA,rS,UIMM
rD,rA,rB Leftmost param is destination (rD) add rD,rA,rB
Register Indirect with immediate offset
d(rA) Effective Address= value in rA + 16 bit signed immediate d stb rS,d(rA)
Register Indirect with index x rA,rB Effective Address = value in rA + rB
U suffix will set rA=rA+rB
lbzx rD,rA,rB
Register Indirect

Effective Address= value in rA ?
Branch to Unconditional Address
imm_addr 24 bit signed address b imm_addr
Branch to Conditional Address
target_addr 14 bit signed address blt target
bc 12,O,target
Branch to register

LR / CTR register contains address
btlr eq

Branch Psuedo ops
BEQ Branch if Equal
BGE Branch if Greater or equal
BGT Branch if Greater Than
BLE Branch if Less or Equal
BLT Branch if Less Than
BNE Branch if Not Equal

Loading a 32 bit address

Our immediates can only be 16 bit, so we need to use LIS (Load Immediate Shifted <<16) and ORI

We can get the High and low 16 bit halves of an address with @h and @l... but we need to have a signed value to add to an existing low part for LIS, which is provided by @ha (High sign-adjusted for Addition) ... so to load our 32 bit label 'InfLoop' we use:

lis r3,InfLoop@ha
addi r3,r3,InfLoop@l

Alternatively we can use @h with ORI for the same result

lis r3,InfLoop@h
ori r3,r3,InfLoop@l

Chars after a command

There are a few common suffixes to commands which enable options - of course, Not all suffixes are available to all commands!

. = Update Condition codes

z / ze = Zero extend
z = Add to zero (R0 acts as zero with some commands)
m = Minus one
a= algebraic (usually known as arithmetic Sign extended)
i = Immediate value
s = Shifted 16 bits  (top half of 32 bit value = 0xFFFF----  )

w= Word (32 bits)
h= Half (16 bits)
b = Byte (8 bits)

c  (Maths) =  Carry - update CA of XER
c (Logical Ops) =  Compliment - Bit flip
e = Extend - add Carry and update Carry (CA of XER)
o = Overflow (use Overflow bit of XER)
u = Update (Postincrement register)
x = indeXed (use second register as address offset rather than immediate displacement)

+ = Branch prediction (Feeling positive - probably branch will occur!)
- = Branch prediction (Feeling Negative - Probably no branch!)

Lesson 1 - Getting Started with the Power PC
Lets start learning about the PPC... Lets learn how to do simple maths operations, and how to transfer data to and from memory.

There's a video of this lesson,  just click the icon to the right to watch it ->


A template program

To allow us to get started programming quickly and see the results, we'll be using a 'template program'...
This consists of 3 parts:

A Header - this includes the hardware initialization to get things in a usable state.

The Program - this is the body of our program where we do our work.

A Generic Footer - this includes core graphics routines, and our 'monitor' debugging tools
The test program will dump a register to the screen,
It will show a text string.
It will then dump all the system registers.
Finally it will show a memory area to the screen.

These tools are designed for testing and debugging the PowerPC - we'll use them in our tutorials!

The DevTools on this website come with headers to allow this program to compile for the gamecube, but without them you couldn't compile this program.

It takes a lot more code to get either of these machines to even turn on the screen!

Commands, Labels and jumps

Lets take a look at a simple program!...

There will be times we need to jump around the code... the simplest way to do this is the  command 'B'... this will Branch (like Jump or Goto) to another position in the code ... notice, commands like this are indented by a tab.

Notice the line which is not indented and ends with a colon : - that makes it a label called 'InfLoop' ... labels tell the assembler to 'name' this position in the program - the assembler will convert the label to a byte number in the executable... thanks to the assembler we don't need to worry what number that ends up being...

you'll also notice text in green starting with a  Hash #  - this is a comment (REMark) - they have no effect on the code (the ; is just to make Notepad++ color the comment nicely)

Loading values into registers

We can load values into a register with the LI command (Load Immediate)

The destination register is on the left of the comma, the source (an immediate Hex value) is on the right.

Our immediate starts with 0x (Zero X) this defines it as hexadecimal, not just regular decimal
Here are the results,

R0 and R3 were loaded with our test values
A number on it's own will be Decimal

A number starting 0 (Zero) will be Octal

A number starting 0b (Zero B) will be Binary

A character in quotes will be ASCII

Here are the results
Because an assembled command is 32 bit, we cannot load a full 32 bit value into the register in one go.

What we can do is use LIS (Load Immediate Shifted to the top 16 bit) to set the top half, then ADDI to add the bottom 16 bit

Some of these commands are 'Psuedo-ops'... this is where the assembler compiles one command into multiple in the final binary...

It makes things easier for us to let the assembler to do as much of the work as possible, so we won't generally differentiate between Psuedo and 'Real' commands.

WARNING! R1/SP is the stack pointer
R2 is officially the TOC pointer (Table of contents) - a pointer to a var list for subs
    R3-R31 are general purpose registers on a 32 bit system, so use them for most of your work!
We can define a symbol with an EQUivalent value using EQU - for example "TestVal,0xFEDCBA98" will define TestVal as containing the value 0xFEDCBA98

We can then use TestVal in our code, and the assembler will replace this with the actual value.

If we want to load a register with the 32 bit symbol value we need to split TestVal into two parts

The assembler can calculate the two parts with the @HA and @L suffix...
@HA gets the part to use with LIS
@H would get the high part, but this wouldn't give the right signed value for ADDI... @HA get the High part for signed Addition.

We can however use @H if we're using ORI to combine the High and Low parts
In both cases R5 has been loaded with the value.

Moving Values, Adding and Subtraction

We can copy a value from one register to another with the MR command (Move Register)

The original value is unchanged

Like before, the source (this time a register) is on the right, the destination register is on the left
Here are the results, we copied R3 to R4 and R5
If we want to add an immediate value we can use ADDI

This takes 3 parameters, the leftmost parameter is the destination, the two on the right (the register and immediate) are the sources.

Here are the results
Here we're trying to perform "addi r0,r0,0x22"... but it won't work as expected!
Why does R0 equal 0x22, not 0x1022 ?

Well R0 acts as the value Zero with the ADDI command! In fact the LI command we used before was actually a psuedo operation converted by the assembler into an "ADDI,R0,???" command!
R0 only acts as a hardwired zero with a few commands... you would need to check the documentation (or cheatsheet) to see which.
But as a rule it's best not to use R0, just use R3+, and pretend R0-R2 don't exist!
Like LIS, there is an ADDIS which adds a shifted value (shifted to the top half)

A register can also be the source and destination of an add command - here we add R5 to R3 and R4
Here are the results
We don't just need to add!... we can use SUB to subtract!
SUB will subtract the third parameter from the second parameter.

Actually SUB is a psuedo-op which uses SUBF, which SUBtracts the second parameter From the third parameter (Subtract From)

We also have an SUBI for immediate values - though actually this is a psuedo op for ADDI with a negative value
Here are the results

Branches (Jumps), Branch & Link (Call to subroutine)

Branches are like GOTO in basic.

We can use B to branch to a label to skip over part of our code. Here we branch to the label SkipC

We probably won't need it, but you can use BA to branch to an absolute address
We can call a subroutine with BL - Branch an Link (like GOSUB in basic). This puts the return address in the special LR register.

we can call an absolute address with BLA

Here's our subroutine. We use BLR to Branch to Link Register (like RETURN in basic)

But there's a problem!... if we call Printchar in the subroutine, the return address in LR will be lost...

To avoid this we Move From the Link Register (MFLR) to R4 to back it up, then Move To the Link Register (MTLR) from R4 to restore it.
Here's the result

Lesson 2 - Addressing Modes and Stack
Ok, we've looked at the basics, lets learn about the ways we can read and write data to memory, and how we can use the stack.


Addressing Modes

Signed Immediate (SIMM)
Many commands which take an immediate value take a 16 bit signed Immediate.
The immediate is sign extended before use.

Unsigned Immediate (UIMM)
Some commands, like Logical operations, use a 16 bit unsigned Immediate.
The immediate is zero extended before use.
Register addressing (rD)
This is the simplest mode
it refers to the use of a register as the source or destination parameter.
Here is the results.
Register Indirect with immediate offset (d(rA))
This uses a base register (in brackets) and an signed immediate offset (before the brackets)

In this example 1(r3) we load a zero extended byte (LBZ - Load Byte and Zero extend) from the address in register R3, plus 1

We need some test data for the next mode.

Here are the results
Register Indirect with index (X Ra,Rb)
Many commands support a register index (rather than an immediate).
we add an X suffix to the command, and specify two registers which are added together and used as the source address, The first is the Base register, the second is the Offset register
Here are the results
With Update (U)

We can add an U suffix to update the base register, the offset is added to the base register before the command occurs - this could be called PreIncrement on other systems

We can combine U and X to use a register as an offset
Here are the results
With CR Update (.)

We can add a . suffix (full stop) to update the Condition Register (flags)

Here we repeatedly add 1 to R3, and show the CR each time.

Note: Don't wory about MTCTR and BDNZ - these are a loop, but we'll look at them later.
Here are the results, when R3 overflows to zero, the CR register changes to reflect the results.
Many commands support these kind of suffixes, but not all!
Check out the cheatsheet for details of what's available.

Load and Store

When loading data from memory, we can Load an 8 bit Byte, a 16 bit Half or 32 bit Word.

LBZ,LHZ and LWZ will fill any unloaded bits with Zero, intended for unsigned numbers.

If we want to load a signed 16 bit half we can use LHA (Load Half Algebraic) which will sign extend the read data.

As LWZ loads the full register it works fine for signed numbers, there is no command for loading signed bytes, but you can load a byte with LBZ, then sign extend with EXTSB

Here are the results
If we want to know the final address used by the commands (Effective Address) we can use LA - Load Address

LA will store the effective address in a register
Here are the results
As well as loadin, we can Store!

STB, STH and STW will store an 8 bit Byte, a 16 bit Half or 32 bit Word. 

These will work for signed or unsigned numbers.
Here are the results
Typically the PowerPC is a BIG ENDIAN machine, meaning it stores the most significant byte of a 32 bit word first in memory.
But this is actually optional, the CPU can be set to run in LITTLE ENIAN mode, where the least significant byte is stored first!

If we want to load data in reverse order (Little endian on a big endian machine) we can use LWBRX (32 bit) or LHBRX (16 bit)

There are matching store commands too.

Here is the results
The PowerPC has what it calls 'String commands'
These will load or store a sequence of bytes to one or more consecutive registers.

LSWI will use an immediate byte count

LSWX will use the count in the bottom 7 bits of the special XER register

STSWI will store a sequence of bytes from an immediate byte count

STSWX will use the count in the bottom 7 bits of the special XER register
Here are the results.

When we load counts that are not multiples of 8, the address the bytes are loaded from may not be as we expect

The Stack!

The Stack is a temporary store, we use SP (the same register as R1) to track our stack pointer. It moves down in memory towards zero as items are 'Pushed' onto the stack

To back up an item (Push), we use Update mode and a command like "stwu r3,-4(SP)" to decrease the stack pointer and put an item onto the stack

Restoring an item (Pop) requires two commands, we use command like "lwzu r5,0(sp)   addi sp,sp,4" to restore the item and update the stack pointer.
Here are the results

Notice we pushed R3 twice, but popped into R4 and R5
We will often want to back up many, or all of our registers in one go

We can do this with STMW (Store Multiple Words) and LMW (Load Multiple Words)

We specify a starting register (shown here as R29), all the higher register numbers will also be backed up (in this case R29,R30,R31)
Here we backed up 3 registers onto the stack
There are some special registers we may want to back up that we can't use directly,
Namely the Link Register (LR) and the Condition register (CR)

We can back these up indirectly via R0 - In fact this is pretty much what R0 is for!

Here we back up R0, the Condition Register and Link Register.

We run our test then restore LR,CR and R0
Our three registers were backed up and restored via the stack.

Note the LR doesn't quite match - as it was changed by the "BL Monitor" command.

Lesson 3 - Conditions, Compares and branches
We've learned about data and how to work with it, but what about when we need to decide what to do?

Lets look at comparing values and conditional branches.


For the Compare examples you'll want to make sure you download the code, and try changing the test values so you understand what the conditions actually do.


The PowerPC  CMP command is rather over complex!... the Condition Register actually has 8 sets of flags we can select, and supports a 'Long' (64 bit mode)

Generally though, we can avoid using this mode, and just use CMPW (for signed numbers) and CMPLW (for unsigned numbers)
We can use simple branch commands like BGT and BLT to branch based on the flags set by CMPW and CMPLW

We don't have to, but we can add a + or - to these commands to tell the cpu if we expect the branch to occur (+) or not occur (-). This tells the CPU how to most efficiently process the commands, as it knows whether the command following the branch is likely to execute, or if the processor pipeline is likely to need flushing.

In the example R3 (100) was less than R4 (110) - so the BLT branch occurred
Here is a full list of the available branch 'Bcc type' commands: blt target    Branch if less than
ble target    Branch if less than or equal
beq target    Branch if equal
bge target    Branch if greater than or equal
bgt target    Branch if greater than
bnl target    Branch if not less than 
bne target    Branch if not equal
bng target    Branch if not greater than
bso target    Branch if summary overflow
bns target    Branch if not summary overflow
bun target    Branch if unordered
bnu target    Branch if not unordered
Actually the Bcc type commands like BGT and BEQ are actually Psuedo-ops
They use the BC command, which takes a complex 5 bit condition (shown below),and a single bit number of the CR to compare.

There are also BT (Branch True) and BF (Branch False) commands which use a two character condition.

However there's no real need to use these. The Bcc codes are easier to use, and do all we need

BO Bits Meaning
0000y Decrement the Count Register (CTR), then branch if CTR is not zero and the condition is FALSE.
0001y Decrement the Count Register (CTR), then branch if the decremented CTR equals zero and the condition is TRUE.
0010y Branch if the condition is FALSE.
0100y Decrement the Count Register (CTR), then branch if CTR is not zero and the condition is TRUE.
0101y Decrement the Count Register (CTR), then branch if the decremented CTR equals zero and the condition is TRUE.
0110y Branch if the condition is TRUE.
1000y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the CTR is not zero.
1001y Decrement the CTR, then branch if the CTR equals zero.
10100 Branch always.
We can actually branch to the link register based on a condition (Kind of like RET Z on the Z80)

Herer we use BLTLR to Branch if LessThan to the LinkRegister
Here are the results

The Condition Register

There will be times we need to work with the Condition Register itself (CR)

We can copy the CR to another register with MFCR

We can transfer back from a register to the CR with MTCRF - this takes a byte 'bitmask' with each of the 8 bits in the mask defining if that CR Field is transferred (IBM Bit order - Bit 0 = Top bit)... 0xFF will transfer to ALL the CR Fields.
We copied CR to R3.

We then copied 7 of the fields from R0 to the CR
We can transfer between fields inb the CR using MCRF (Move Condition Register Field)

These can be specified as a simple number 0-7 or CR0-CR7

The destination is on the left of the comma, the source is on the right.
Here are the results
It's not clear why we would want them, but there is a wide range of bit operation commands.

Here we use CRAND to AND condition register bit 28 with bit 24, and store result in bit 0
Here are the results.
If we need to, we can gain access to the flags in the XER by transferring them to a CR Field with MCRXR (Move To Condition Register from XeR)

This also clears the top 4 XER bits
Here are the results

The Count Register for loops

We could use CMP commands and BNE to effect a loop, however the Power PC has a special register called the CounT Register (CTR)

This can't be accessed directly, but we can use MTSPR and MFSPR to access it's value.
MTCTR is also a psuedo-op for "MTSPR CTR,???"

Here we use MTSPR to set the Count to 4
Once we've set the CTR, we can use BDNZ (Branch after Decrement if ctr NonZero)

This allows us to decrement, compare and loop in a single command.
Here are the results
We can combine two conditions in the branch - Here we use BDNZF, this will repeat provided the decremented CTR is NonZero, and the condition (EQual) is False.
Here are the results
There is a crazy number of permutations of condition and flag masking commands.

We're only looking at the essentials!... Please see the cheatsheet or official docs for the full range

Lesson 4 - Logical Ops, Signs and Shifts
Lets continue by learning some of the slightly more obscure mathematical operations


Logical Operations
Logical operations perform a comparison one bit at a time.

The parameter on the left is the destination, the second parameter is the source (R6 in the example), the third is the mask to be applied (R0 or an immediate in the example).

Where a bit in both parameters are 1, after the AND operation the result in rA will be 1, when they are not it will be 0.

Here we used AND, AND C (And Complement - All the bits in the mask parameter are flipped before the AND operation) and ANDI. (And Immediate with CR Update
Here are the results.

AND can be thought of as clearing bits in the destination to zero.
OR will also compare the source and mask. where a bit in either parameters are 1 the result in rA will be 1, when they are not it will be 0.

Here we used OR, ORC (Or Compliment - All mask bits flipped) and ORIS (Or Immediate shifted to the top 16 bits)
Here are the results.

OR can be thought as setting the bits in the destination to 1
XOR is a bit flipping operation (Inversion). Where a bit in the second mask parameter is 1 the bit in the source is flipped and stored in the destination, when it's 0, it's transferred unchanged.

Here we used XOR, XORI (Xor Immediate) and XORIS (Xor Immediate Shifted to the top bits)
Here are the results.

The 1 bits in the mask were flipped in the destination
Logical NAND is a bit odd!... it performs an AND, then complements (bit flips) the result (NOT)

Where a bit in either parameter is 0 the result will be 1, when they are both 1 it will be 0.

A ones complement (bit flipped) version of a register can be calculated by using this command, where moth parameters are the same, for example "NAND R3,R4,R4" will set R3 to the complement of R4.
Here are the results
EQV stands for EquiValent... it performs XOR followed bt a complement (Bit flip)

This XOR-Complement is sometimes called XNOR (eXclusive NOR).
Logical XNOR (EQV) will return 1 when the contents of both parameters are the same, returning 0 if they are different, effectively returning 1 (true) if they the bits are equivalent.
There are two other commands we'll cover here

NOT flips all the bits (Complement)

NEG converts a positive to a negative, it's the equivalent of flipping the bits and adding one.
Here are the results
The available options for the mask commands are alittle unpredictable!
There is an ANDI. but no ORI. (only ORI) there's an ORC but no XORC!
Check the Cheatsheet to see what's available

Signs and Zeros

There may be times we have a signed 8 bit byte or 16 bit half that we need to sign extend to fill the 32 bit register

We can use EXTSB to extend a signed byte, or EXTSH to extend a half

This effectively fills all extra bits with the original top bit.
Here are the results
If for some reason you need to know how many zeros there are on the left of your register you can use CNTLZW

This will CouNT the Leading Zeros in the Word
Here are the results

Bit Shifts

There will be times we want to shift bits in a register... One good reason is multiplication! When we shift the bits left, we effectively double a number.

SLW will shift the bits in a parameter left - the third parameter is the number of bits to shift.

SLW. will also update the CR flags.

This command works fine for signed or unsigned numbers.
Here are the results
We can shift right to halve a number.

SRW will shift a word right - it's designed for unsigned numbers - new top bits will be zero

SRAW/SRAWI will shift a word right for Algebra (Ari thematic) - it's designed for signed numbers, as new bits preserve the old top bit
Here are the results of shifting signed and unsigned numbers.
There may be times we only want a few bits from a parameter - like if we're reading directions from a joypad - and we may want to move them too!

Rotate Left Word then aNd Mask will rotate a parameter by a number of bits, then keep only a range of the consecutive bits copying them into the destination, the other bits are zeroed.

The syntax is: RLWNM Dest,Src,BitShift,FirstBitToKeep,LastBitToKeep

We can also use an immediate bit shift with RLWINM

Remember: the bit range is in IBM Bit numbers, so bit 0 is the leftmost most significant bit, and bit 31 is the rightmost least significant bit.
Here are the results.
Rather than just zeroing the other bits, we can actually insert the shifted bits into an existing register with RLWIMI - Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert.

This will shift and mask the bits of the source, then insert them into the destination, leaving the other destination bits unchanged!

The Syntax is: RLWIMI Dest,Src,BitShift,FirstBitToKeep,LastBitToKeep
Here are the results - the bottom 4 bits of R3 are altered by the command.

Lesson 5 - Maths and More!
There's a few more maths commands we need to cover, and some weirder commands we'll finish by mentioning!


Carrying for 64 bit maths

Like most processors,we can use the Carry Flag to 'span' mathematical operations across two registers.

On the PowerPC the CArry flag (CA) is in the top bits of the XER register

We use ADDC or ADDIC to add the low part and update the XER[CA] flag (ADD Carry)

For the high part we then use ADDE, or ADDZE if we just want to add the carry (ADD Extended / ADD to Zero Extended)
The addition was spanned across two registers.
We can do the same with SUBFC (Subtract From with Carry) for the low part,

We use SUBFE (Subtract From with Extend) for the high part , this subtracts the second parameter plus XER[CA] from the third parameter, storing the result in the destination register.

Note, there is a SUBFZE, but it doesn't help us here!
Here are the results.

Zero and Minus one Extend

We have commands to add and subtract from 0 or -1 with the Carry flag acting as an Extend bit

ADDZE will ADD to Zero with Extend
ADDME will ADD to Minus one with Extend

SUBFZE will SUBtract From Zero with Extend
SUBFME will SUBtract From Minus one with Extend
Here are the results

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication on the Power PC can work in 64 bit - That is we multiply two 32 bit numbers, and get a 64 bit pair of registers as a result.
Actually we need to use two commands to get the full 64 bits - we can use just one if we only want a 32 bit result.

The pair of commands we need to use depend on if we are using signed numbers, or unsigned ones.

For signed numbers we use MULLW for the low part, and MULHW for the high part.

For unsigned numbers we use MULLW for the low part, and MULHWU for the high part.

You'll notice we use MULLW for the low part in both cases... in fact there is an immediate version - MULLI for the low part too. (There's no high part immediate command)
Here are the results.
We can also do division, however this is only 32 bit.

DIVW will divide signed numbers

DIVU will divide unsigned numbers
Here are the results

Special commands

You may not need them, and they may even do nothing on your system, but there are some system call command you may need.

SC will perform a system call - What it does depends on the operating system.

TW / TWI will perform a TRAP based on a condition comparing two registers, or a register and an immediate - if any of the conditions are true, the trap will occur.

The Trap condition flags define what Signed/Unsigned conditions will apply in the format: % LTs GTs EQ LTu GTu

Finally there's the NOP command - No-Operation - it does nothing but can be used as a delay or for self modifying code.

Instruction Set Summary

Opcode Integer Arithmetic Instructions Details .=updateCR o=overflow c=carry e=extended m=minus one z=zero as param (R0) R0=0?
addi rD,rA,SIMM Add Immediate The sum (rAID) + SIMM is placed into register rD.
addis rD,rA,SIMM Add immediate shifted The sum (rA| 0) + (SIMM || x'0000') is placed into rD. Y
add rD,rA,rB Add The sum (rA) + (rB) is placed into register rD.
add. rD,rA,rB addo rD,rA,rB addo. rD,rA,rB
subf rD,rA,rB Subtract from The sum --. (rA) + (rB) + 1 is placed into rD
subf. rD,rA,rB subfo rD,rA,rB subfo. rD,rA,rB
addic rD,rA,SIMM Add Immediate Carrying The sum (rA) + SIMM is placed into register rD.
addic. rD,rA,SIMM
subflc rD,rA,SIMM Subtract from Immediate Carrying The sum --. (rA) + SIMM + 1 is placed into register rD. -
addc rD,rA,rB Add Carrying The sum (rA) + (rB) is placed into register rD.
addc. rD,rA,rB addco rD,rA,rB addco. rD,rA,rB
subfc rD,rA,rB Subtract from Carrying The sum -, (rA) + (rB) + 1 is placed into register rD.
subfc. rD,rA,rB subfco rD,rA,rB subfco. rD,rA,rB
adde rD,rA,rB Add Extended The sum (rA) + (rB) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
adde. rD,rA,rB addeo rD,rA,rB addeo. rD,rA,rB
subfe rD,rA,rB Subtract from Extended The sum -,(rA) + (rB) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
subfe. rD,rA,rB subfeo rD,rA,rB subfeo. rD,rA,rB
addme rD,rA Add to Minus One Extended The sum (rA) + XER(CA) + x'FFFFFFFF' is placed into register rD.
addme. rD,rA addmeo rD,rA addmeo. rD,rA
subfme rD,rA Subtract from Minus One Extended The sum..., (rA) + XER(CA) + x'FFFFFFFF' is placed into register rD.
subfme. rD,rA subfmeo rD,rA subfmeo. rD,rA
addze rD,rA Add to Zero Extended The sum (rA) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD
addze. rD,rA addzeo rD,rA addzeo. rD,rA
subfze rD,rA Subtract from Zero Extended The sum..., (rA) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
subfze. rD,rA subfzeo rD,rA subfzeo. rD,rA
neg rD,rA Negate NEGate register rA, and store the results in register rD. This converts a positive to a negative and vice versa.
neg. rD,rA nego rD,rA nego. rD,rA
Opcode Integer Compare Instructions Details .=updateCCR o=Overflow
mulli rD,rA,SIMM Multiply Low Immediate The low-order 32 bits of the 48-bit product (rA)*SIMM are placed into rD. Use with mulhw for full 64 bit -
mullw rD,rA,rB Multiply Low The low-order 32 bits of the 64-bit product (rA) *(rB) are placed into rD. Use with mulhwu for full 64 bit
mullw. rD,rA,rB mullwo rD,rA,rB mullwo. rD,rA,rB
mulhw rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word The contents of rA and rB are interpreted as 32-bit signed integers.This gives the top 32 bit of the 64-bit product.
mulhw. rD,rA,rB
mulhwu rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word Unsigned The contents of rA and rB are interpreted as 32-bit unsigned integers.This gives the top 32 bit of the 64-bit product.
mulhwu. rD,rA,rB
divw rD,rA,rB Divide Word rD= rA (signed) / rB (signed). To Get Signed Remainder: divw rD,rA,rB rD = quotient mull rD,rD,rB rD = quotient*divisor subf rD,rD,rA rD = remainder
divw. rD,rA,rB divwo rD,rA,rB divwo. rD,rA,rB
divwu rD,rA,rB Divide Word Unsigned rD= rA (unsigned) / rB (unsigned). To Get Unsigned Remainder: divwu rD,rA,r8 rD = quotient mull rD,rD,r8 rD = quotient*divisor subf rD,rD,rA rD = remainder
divwu. rD,rA,rB divwuo rD,rA,rB divwuo. rD,rA,rB
Opcode Integer Compare Instructions Details i=immediate w=word
cmp crfD,L,rA,rB Compare (Signed) CoMPare signed rA with signed rB, storing results in CR field crfD. L=Length (32/64 bits)
cmpi crfD,L,rA,SIMM cmpw crfD,rA,rB (cmp crfD,O,rA,rB) cmpwi crfD,rA,SIMM (cmpi crfD,O,rA,SIMM)
cmpl crfD,L,rA,rB Compare Logical (unsigned) CoMPare unsigned rA with unsigned rB, storing results in CR field crfD. L=Length (32/64 bits)
cmpli crfD,L,rA,UIMM cmplwi crfD,rA,UIMM (cmpli crfD,O,rA,UIMM) cmplw crfD,rA,rB (cmpl crfD,O,rA,rB)
Opcode Integer Logical Instructions Details .=updateCR i=immediate s=shifted c=complement / b=byte h=half
and rA,rS,rB AND The contents of rS is ANDed with the contents of register rB and the result is placed into rA.
and. rA,rS,rB andi. rA,rS,UIMM andis. rA,rS,UIMM andc rA,rS,rB andc. rA,rS,rB
or rA,rS,rB OR The contents of rS is ORed with the contents of rB and the result is placed into rA.
or. rA,rS,rB ori rA,rS,UIMM oris rA,rS,UIMM orc rA,rS,rB orc. rA,rS,rB
xor rA,rS,rB XOR The contents of rS is XORed with the contents of rB and the result is placed into register rA.
xor. rA,rS,rB xori rA,rS,UIMM xoris rA,rS,UIM
nand rA,rS,rB NAND The contents of rS is ANDed with the contents of rB and the one's complement of the result is placed into register rA. NAND with rA=rB can be used to obtain the one's complement.
nand. rA,rS,rB
nor rA,rS,rB NOR The contents of rS is ORed with the contents of rB and the one's complement of the result is placed into register rA.
nor. rA,rS,rB
eqv rA,rS,rB Equivalent The contents of rS is XORed with the contents of rB and the complemented result is placed into register rA.
eqv. rA,rS,rB
extsb rA,rS
extsh rA,rS
Extend Sign Byte / Halfword Register r S[24-31] are placed into rA[24-31]. Bit 24 of rS is placed into rA[O-23].
extsb. rA,rS extsh. rA,rS
cntlzw rA,rS Count Leading Zeros Word Count of leading zero bits of rS is placed into rA. This number ranges from 0 to 32, inclusive.
cntlzw. rA,rS
Opcode Integer Rotate Instructions Details .=updateCR
rlwinm rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask Rotate rS left by SH bits, and keep (AND) bits MB-ME, storing results in rA
EG: rlwinm r3,r4,8,24,31 will shift R4<<8 and keep bits 24-31 (0=MSB 31=LSB)
rlwinm. rA,rS,SH,MB,ME
rlwnm rA,rS,rB,MB,ME Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask Rotate rS left by rB bits, and keep (AND) bits MB-ME, storing results in rA
EG: rlwinm r3,r4,8,24,31 will shift R4<<8 and keep bits 24-31 (0=MSB 31=LSB)
rlwnm. rA,rS,rB,MB,ME
rlwimi rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert Rotate rS left by SH bits, and transfer bits MB-ME into rA (leaving other bits unchanged)
EG: rlwinmi r3,r4,8,24,31 will shift R4<<8 and transfer bits 24-31 (0=MSB 31=LSB) to R3, bits 0-23 of R3 are unchanged
rlwimi. rA,rS,SH,MB,ME
Opcode Integer Shift Instructions Details .=updateCR
slw rA,rS,rB Shift Left Word rS is shifted left rB bits. Bits shifted out are lost. new bits on the right are 0.
slw. rA,rS,rB
srw rA,rS,rB Shift Right Word (Unigned) rS is shifted right rB bits. New bits on the left are 0.
srw. rA,rS,rB
srawi rA,rS,SH Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate (Signed) rS is right SH bits. Bits shifted out are lost. New bits on the left retain the old top bit, keeping the sign. XER[CA] is set if r S contains a negative number and any 1-bits are shifted out of position 3, otherwise XER(CA) is cleared.
srawi. rA,rS,SH
sraw rA,rS,rB Shift Right Algebraic Word (Signed) rS is shifted right rB[26-31] bits. New bits on the left retain the old top bit, keeping the sign. XER[CA] is set to 1 if rS contains a negative number and any 1-bits are shifted out of position 31; otherwise XER[CA] is cleared to O. A If rB[26]= 1, then rA is filled with 32 sign bits (bit 0) from rS. Condition register field CRO is set based on the value written into rA.
sraw. rA,rS,rB
Opcode Integer Load Instructions Details b=byte h=half w=word / z=zero extend (unsigned) a=algebraic (Sign extended) u=update x=indexed
Ibz rD,d(rA) Load Byte and Zero Load and zero extend an 8 bit byte from the effective address.
lbzx rD,rA,rB lbzu rD,d(rA) lbzux rD,rA,rB
lhz rD,d(rA) Load Half Word and Zero Load and zero extend a 16 bit half word from the effective address.
lhzx rD,rA,rB lhzu rD,d(rA) lhzux rD,rA,rB
Iha rD,d(rA) Load Half Word Algebraic Load and sign extend an 16 bit half word from the effective address.
Ihax rD,rA,rB Ihau rD,d(rA) Ihaux rD,rA,rB
Iwz rD,d(rA) Load Word and Zero The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[0-31].
lwzx rD,rA,rB lwzu rD,d(rA) lwzux rD,rA,rB
Opcode Integer Store Instructions Details b=byte h=half w=word / x=indexed u=update
stb rS,d(rA) Store Byte The effective address is the sum (rA|0) + d. Register rS[24�31] is stored into the byte in memory addressed by the EA.
stbx rS,rA,rB stbu rS,d(rA) stbux rS,rA,rB
sth rS,d(rA) Store Half word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. rS[16-31] is stored into the half-word in memory addressed by the EA.
sthx rS,rA,rB sthu rS,d(rA) sthux rS,rA,rB
stw rS,d(rA) Store Word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. Register rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA.
stwx rS,rA,rB stwu rS,d(rA) stwux rS,rA,rB
PsuedoOps Miscellaneous Simplified Mnemonics Details
no-op No-Op (equivalent to ori 0,0,0) -
li rD,value Load Immediate Load a 16-bit signed immediate value into rA (equivalent to addi rA,0,value) -
lis rD,value Load Shifted Immediate Load a 16-bit signed immediate value, shifted left by 16 bits, into rA (equivalent to addis rA,0,value) -
la rD,SIMM(rA) Load Address equivalent to addi rD,rA,SIMM -
la rD,v Load Address Load Effective addres of Base+Offset (equivalent to addi rD,rA,SIMM) -
mr rA,rS Move Register (equivalent to or rA,rS,rS) -
not rA,rS Complement Register (equivalent to nor rA,rS,rS) -
sub rD,rA,rB
Equivalent to subf rD,rB,rA -
subi rD,rA,SIMM
Equivalent to addi rD,rA,-SIMM -
Opcode Integer Load and Store with Byte Reversal Instructions Details
lhbrx rD,rA,rB Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed Load unsigned Endian-Reversed 16 bit half into from (rA+rB). Byte reversed version of LHZX rD,rA,rB Y
lwbrx rD,rA,rB Load Word Byte-Reverse Indexed Load Endian-Reversed word into rD from (rA+rB). This is the Byte reversed version of LWZX rD,rA,rB Y
sthbrx rS,rA,rB Store Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed Store a Endian-Reversed 16 bit half from rD into (rA+rB). Byte reversed version of STHX rD,rA,rB Y
stwbrx rS,rA,rB Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed Store a Endian-Reversed word from rD into (rA+rB). This is the Byte reversed version of STWX rD,rA,rB Y
Opcode Integer Load and Store Multiple Instructions Details
Imw rD,d(rA) Load Multiple Word (POP) The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. n= 32-rD. n consecutive words starting at EA are loaded into GPRs rD through 31. EA should be 32 bit aligned. Used as stack POP Y
stmw rS,d(rA) Store Multiple Word (PUSH) The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. n= (32-rS). n consecutive words starting at the EA are stored from GPRs rS through 31. EA should be 32 bit aligned. Used as stack PUSH Y
Opcode Integer Move String Instructions Details
Iswi rD,rA,NB Load String Word Immediate Load NB bytes from source address rA to registers rD+EG: lswi r4,r3,7#; Load 7 bytes into R4+ from (R3) Y
Iswx rD,rA,rB Load String Word Indexed Load XER:ByteCount (low 6 bits) bytes into rD+ from (rA+rB)EG: lswx r5,r3,r4#; Load XER:ByteCount (low 6 bits) bytes into R5+ from (R3+R4) Y
stswi rS,rA,NB Store String Word Immediate Store NB bytes to destination address rA from registers rD+EG: stswi r4,r3,7#; Store 7 bytes from R4+ to (R3) Y
stswx rS,rA,rB Store String Word Indexed Load XER:ByteCount (low 6 bits) bytes into rD+ from (rA+rB)EG: stswx r5,r3,r4#; Store XER:ByteCount (low 6 bits) bytes from R5+ to (R3+R4) Y
Opcode Branch Instructions Details
b imm_addr Branch. Branch to the address imm_addr -
ba imm_addr Branch Absolute. Branch to the absolute address specified. -
bl imm_addr Branch then Link. Branch to subroutine, and put return address in the Link Register (LR). -
bla imm_addr Branch Absolute then Link. Branch to subroutine at absolute address, and put return address in the Link Register (LR). -
bc BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional. Branch conditionally to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current instruction. The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register (CR) to be used -
bca BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional Absolute. Branch conditionally to the absolute address specified. -
bcl BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional then Link. Branch conditionally to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current instruction. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register. -
bcla BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional Absolute then Link. Branch conditionally to the absolute address specified. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register. -
bclr BO,BI Branch Conditional to Link Register Branch Conditional to Link Register. Branch conditionally to the address in the link register.
The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register to be used belrl as the condition of the branch.
bclrl BO,BI Branch Conditional to Link Register then Link. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the link register.
The instruction address following this instruction is then placed into the link register.
bcctr BO,BI Branch Conditional to Count Register. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the count register. The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register to be used as the condition of the branch. -
bcctrl BO,BI Branch Conditional to Count Register then Link. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the count register. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register. -
blr Branch to Link Register Return from sub -
Opcode (+/-=branch prediction) Bcc PsuedoOp Details a=Absolute lr=to LinkRegister ctr=to CTR L=Link
blt target Branch if less than blt label blta addr bltlr bltctr bltl label bltla addr bltlrl bltctrl (Psuedo for bc 12.0.Target) -
ble target Branch if less than or equal ble label blea addr blelr blectr blel label blela addr blelrl blectrl -
beq target Branch if equal beq label beqa addr beqlr beqctr beql label beqla addr beqlrl beqctrl -
bge target Branch if greater than or equal ble label blea addr blelr blectr blel label blela addr blelrl blectrl -
bgt target Branch if greater than bgt label bgta addr bgtlr bgtctr bgtl label bgtla addr bgtlrl bgtctrl -
bnl target Branch if not less than bnl label bnla addr bnllr bnlctr bnll label bnlla addr bnllrl bnlctrl -
bne target Branch if not equal bne label bnea addr bnelr bnectr bnel label bnela addr bnelrl bnectrl (Psuedo for bc 4.2.Target) -
bng target Branch if not greater than bng label bnga addr bnglr bngctr bngl label bngla addr bnglrl bngctrl -
bso target Branch if summary overflow bso label bsoa addr bsolr bsoctr bsol label bsola addr bsolrl bsoctrl -
bns target Branch if not summary overflow bns label bnsa addr bnslr bnsctr bnsl label bnsla addr bnslrl bnsctrl -
bun target Branch if unordered bun label buna addr bunlr bunctr bunl label bunla addr bunlrl bunctrl -
bnu target Branch if not unordered bnu label bnua addr bnulr bnuctr bnul label bnula addr bnulrl bnuctrl -
Opcode Bcc PsuedoOp Details a=Absolute lr=to LinkRegister ctr=to CTR l=Link
bt cond,target Branch if Condition True bta btlr btctr btl btla btlrl btctrl -
bf cond,target Branch if Condition False bfa bflr bfctr bfl bfla bflrl bfctrl -
bdnz target Branch after Decrement if nonzero Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR nonzero
bdnza bdnzlr bdnzl bdnzla bdnzlrl
bdnzt cond,target Branch after Decrement if nonzero and condition cond TRUE Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR nonzero AND condition true (cond=LT/GT/EQ/SO/UN)
bdnzta bdnztlr bdnztl bdnztla bdnztlrl
bdnzf cond,target Branch after Decrement if nonzero and condition cond FALSE Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR nonzero AND condition false (cond=LT/GT/EQ/SO/UN)
bdnzfa bdnzflr bdnzfl bdnzfla bdnzflrl
bdz target Branch after Decrement if zero Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR zero
bdza bdzlr bdzl bdzla bdzlrl
bdzt cond,target Branch after Decrement if zero and condition cond TRUE Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR zero AND condition true
bdzta bdztlr bdztl bdztla bdztlrl
bdzf cond,target Branch after Decrement if zero and condition cond FALSE Decrement Count Register CTR, branch if CTR zero AND condition false
bdzfa bdzflr bdzfl bdzfla bdzflrl
Opcode Condition Register Logical Instructions Details
crand crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register AND single bit crbA is ANDed with crbB and stored in crbD. -
cror crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register OR single bit crbA is ORed with crbB and stored in crbD. -
crxor crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register XOR single bit crbA is XORed with crbB and stored in crbD. -
crnand crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register NAND single bit crbA is ANDed with crbB and the complement (NOT) is stored in crbD. -
crnor crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register NOR single bit crbA is ORed with crbB and the complement (NOT) is stored in crbD. -
creqv crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register Equivalent single bit crbA is CORed with crbB and the complement (NOT) is stored in crbD. -
crandc crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register AND with Complement single bit crbA is ANDed with the compliment (bit flipped) of crbB and stored in crbD. -
crorc crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register OR with Complement single bit crbA is ORed with the compliment (bit flipped) of crbB and stored in crbD. -
mcrf crfD,crfS Move Condition Register Field The contents of crfS are copied into crfD. No other condition register fields are changed. -
Opcode System Linkage Instructions Details
sc System Call
rfi Return from Interrupt
Opcode Trap Instructions and Mnemonics Details
twi TO,rA,SIMM Trap Word Immediate Trap if condition TO comparing rA to SIMM (TO=01/2/3/4=LT/GT/EQ/LogicalLT/LogicalGT)
twlti rA,SIMM twlei rA,SIMM tweqi rA,SIMM twgei rA,SIMM twgti rA,SIMM twnli rA,SIMM
twnei rA,SIMM twllti rA,SIMM twngi rA,SIMM twllti rA,SIMM twllei rA,SIMM twlgei rA,SIMM
twlgti rA,SIMM twlnli rA,SIMM twlngi rA,SIMM
tw TO,rA,rB Trap Word Trap if condition TO comparing rA to RB (TO=01/2/3/4=LT/GT/EQ/LogicalLT/LogicalGT)
twlt rA,rB twle rA,rB tweq rA,rB twge rA,rB twgt rA,rB twnl rA,rB twne rA,rB twllt rA,rB twng rA,rB
twllt rA,rB twlle rA,rB twlge rA,rB twlgt rA,rB twlnl rA,rB twlng rA,rB
Opcode Move to/from Machine State Register/Condition Register Instructions Details
mtcrf CRM,rS Move to Condition Register Fields CRM=bits 0-7... eg 0xFF=all CRM fields -
mcrxr crfD Move to Condition Register Move from XER bits 0-3 (SO OV CA --), Clear these bits in XER -
mfcr rD Move from Condition Register
mtmsr rS Move to Machine State Register
mfmsr rD Move from Machine State Register
Opcode Cache Management Supervisor-Level Instruction Details
dcbi rA,rB Data Cache Block Invalidate
Opcode User-Level Cache Instructions Details
dcbt rA,rB Data Cache Block Touch
dcbtst rA,rB Data Cache Block Touch for Store
clcs rD,rA Cache Line Compute Size
dcbz rA,rB Data Cache Block Set to Zero
dcbst rA,rB Data Cache Block Store
dcbf rA,rB Data Cache Block Flush
Opcode Move to/from Special Purpose Register Instructions Details
mtspr SPR,rS Move to Special Purpose Register Transfer rS to SPR (MQ,XER,RTCU,RTCL,DEC,LR,CTR). Simplified versions exist:
mtxer rA mtspr 1,rA mtlr rA mtspr 8,rA mtctr rA mtspr 9,rA
mfspr rD,SPR Move from Special Purpose Register Transfer Special SPR to rD. (MQ,XER,RTCU,RTCL,DEC,LR,CTR). Simplified versions exist:
mfxer rA mfspr rA,1 mflr rA mfspr rA,8 mfctr rA mfspr rA,9
Opcode Segment Register Manipulation Instructions Details
mtsr SR,rS Move to Segment Register The contents of rS is placed into segment register specified by operand SR. (Supervisor instruction) -
mtsrin rS,rB Move to Segment Register Indirect The contents of rS are copied to the segment register selected by bits 0�3 of rB. (Supervisor instruction) -
mfsr rD,SR Move from Segment Register The contents of the segment register specified by operand SR are placed into rD. (Supervisor instruction) -
mfsrin rD,rB Move from Segment Register Indirect The contents of the segment register selected by bits 0�3 of rB are copied into rD. (Supervisor instruction) -
Opcode Translation Lookaside Buffer Management Instruction Details
tlbie rB Translation Lookaside Buffer Invalidate Entry
Opcode External Control Instructions Details
eciwx rD,rA,rB External Control Input Word Indexed
ecowx rS,rA,rB External Control Output Word Indexed
Opcode Memory Synchronization Instructions Details
eieio Enforce In�Order Execution of I/O
isync Instruction Synchronize
Iwarx rD,rA,rB Load Word and Reserve Indexed
stwcx. rS,rA,rB Store Word Conditional Indexed
sync Synchronize


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Z80 Content
***Z80 Tutorial List***
Learn Z80 Assembly (2021)
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Hello World
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ChibiAkumas Series
Grime Z80
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Amstrad CPC
Elan Enterprise
Gameboy & Gameboy Color
Master System & GameGear
Sam Coupe
ZX Spectrum
Spectrum NEXT
Camputers Lynx

6502 Content
***6502 Tutorial List***
Learn 6502 Assembly
Advanced Series
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
Grime 6502
6502 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
6502 Platforms
Apple IIe
Atari 800 and 5200
Atari Lynx
BBC Micro
Commodore 64
Commodore PET
Commander x16
Super Nintendo (SNES)
Nintendo NES / Famicom
PC Engine (Turbografx-16)
Vic 20

68000 Content
***68000 Tutorial List***
Learn 68000 Assembly
Hello World Series
Platform Specific Series
Simple Samples
Grime 68000
68000 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
68000 Platforms
Amiga 500
Atari ST
Neo Geo
Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Sinclair QL
X68000 (Sharp x68k)

8086 Content
Learn 8086 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
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8086 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
8086 Platforms

ARM Content
Learn ARM Assembly
Learn ARM Thumb Assembly
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ARM Downloads
ARM Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
ARM Platforms
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo DS
Risc Os

Risc-V Content
Learn Risc-V Assembly
Risc-V Downloads
Risc-V Cheatsheet
DevTools kit

MIPS Content
Learn Risc-V Assembly
Platform Specific Series
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MIPS Downloads
MIPS Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
MIPS Platforms

PDP-11 Content
Learn PDP-11 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
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PDP-11 Downloads
PDP-11 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
PDP-11 Platforms

TMS9900 Content
Learn TMS9900 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World
TMS9900 Downloads
TMS9900 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
TMS9900 Platforms
Ti 99

6809 Content
Learn 6809 Assembly
Learn 6309 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
6809/6309 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
6809 Platforms
Dragon 32/Tandy Coco
Fujitsu FM7
TRS-80 Coco 3

65816 Content
Learn 65816 Assembly
Hello World
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65816 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
65816 Platforms

eZ80 Content
Learn eZ80 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
eZ80 Downloads
eZ80 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
eZ80 Platforms
Ti84 PCE

IBM370 Content
Learn IBM370 Assembly
Simple Samples
IBM370 Downloads
IBM370 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit

Super-H Content
Learn SH2 Assembly
Hello World Series
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SH2 Downloads
SH2 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
SH2 Platforms

PowerPC Content
Learn PowerPC Assembly
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
PowerPC Downloads
PowerPC Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
PowerPC Platforms

Work in Progress

Misc bits
Ruby programming

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