Notes: In the past, the planet now known as 'Seijuchi' was renouned as the leading inventors and scientists of the galaxy, producing the most advanced and incredible technology imaginable... Over the last 100 years, something changed... and now it's inhabitants have taken a different route... Attempts to contact the planet and find out what happened have had mixed results... after many confusing garbled radio-video communications, a landing party were sent down.... however they never came back, seemingly voluntarily deciding to remain on the planet instead! Seijuchi was suviving very well until the 'great solar flare'... while most planets in the Chibus Maximus galaxy suffered damage, and were able to rebuild, it seems to have hit Seijuchi remarkably hard, and even though Intergalactic Aid was offered, they turned it down saying it was not needed... Recent Life form scans of the planet suggest this was a mistake. |