Planet: Gurochi (黒地)

Life form Population
... 1!


It's pretty rare for a planet to be feared by the intergalactic communtiy before 'first contact' has been achieved... but this planet managed it...

After several attempts by scout parties failed, with the landing ships blasted into space with the inabitants torn to pieces, further contact and investigation attempts moved to  remote drones...

These also failed, with the investigation units shot down before breaking through the 'cloud cover' apparently by unknown energy weapons...

The general conclusion is that whatever lives on this planet is inteligent, armed with high tech weapnry, and is *extremely* hostile.

One of the few things that has been concluded about the planet is that the thick green 'Cloud Cover' is a synthetic nerve gas that is highly toxic to most life forms... as there is no known industy that produces such a corrosive chemical as a byproduct, it is supsected that whatever lives on Gurochi has intentionally posioned it's own atmosphere for some reason.